Monday, April 4, 2022


 I know Spring is coming soon

    I got my mower back today.  That's a sign.

    Tue Cubs open at home Thursday, that's another sign.  Of course there is a possibility of rain or snow, but that would not be the first time.

    When we used to get ticket packs, 2 of the games always seemed to be in April.  And cold.  Sitting in the stands on a 40 degree day with the wind blowing off the lake is not a fun experience.

    And I remember one year when I was a kid the game was cancelled because of snow.

    With my mower coming back, it required a little work on my part.  I had to move three chairs out to the porch and stack about 20 boxes on the other side of the garage.  The boxes are empty, but someone said they may be interested in taking them to mail stuff for their at home business.  Time will tell.

    Weird thing of the day......I was out moving chairs and noticed a car off the road at the park.  I didn't think anything of it, but after about 15 minutes I called the sheriff's office.

    They came and investigated and called me a little while ago asking if I saw anyone leaving the vehicle, and if it was a man or woman.  I said I did not, which is the truth.  The gentleman explained they were trying to find out which owner was driving the car.

    My guess.....somebody either came around the corner too fast and fishtailed off the road or somebody had too many afternoon cocktails.  

    Kind of a quiet day.....I almost wanted to add "in Lake Woebegone."  Remember that show?  I still miss it.  Where the women are strong and the children all above average.

Peace and Love.  Prayers for Ukraine

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