Friday, April 15, 2022


 Just a collection of thoughts tonight

    Our neighbor's dog, Sadie, crossed the rainbow bridge today.  She was a sweet girl and Corki loved to watch her play in the front yard.  And of course, bark at her.

    Eric would toss a tennis ball and Sadie would run after it.  Corki would run too, as far as she could.  When  I would toss a tennis ball to Corki she would look at me with disbelief.  "What?  Expect me to put that in my mouth?"  

    It's sad to see a pet go, especially one who has been a part of the family. Our hearts go out to them.

    Our friends Jen, Kevin and Sam brought this over yesterday. Always in my heart.  

    I put away some of her stuff today and mostly did so dry eyed.  But I sat in my recliner for a while and the tears just came.  Corki would always lay next to me, sometimes even on the recliner by my feet.  She was always near me, by me, supporting me.  I was not with her when she needed me most.   I don't know if I will ever get over that or forgive myself.

    Jackie and I spent 10 minutes waiting in a drive thru line in DeKalb to order some  popcorn shrimp after church tonight.  When I went to order, the young lady told me they were sold out.  Damn.  We ended up stopping at Dog Hub and had 2 great popcorn shrimp dinners.  I am glad the first place was out.

    Maybe next week I can work in my gardens.....should be warmer. 

    I stopped feeding birds this week.  I don't want them to congregate in the yard just in case they have avian flu.  Several agencies have reported bird die offs due to the flu and thousands of farm raised chickens and turkeys have been put down to stop the spread.  I don't know if my stopping the feeding will make a difference, but I feel better doing it.

    Neighbor reported a dead Christmas tree in their back yard.....gonna check it out tomorrow.  Could be mine!

    Be safe out there.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine

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