Monday, April 18, 2022


I am  miffed about light bulbs and other stuff 

    We have 3 way lamps in our house.  Being of a green mind, I replaced the regular 3 way bulbs with LED 3 way bulbs.

    Long story short:  They suck.  All of the bulbs in all 3 lamps don't do the 3-way thing.....I only get the middle light.  When I first put them in, they all had 3 light levels... but that didn't last long.

    I have LED bulbs over my sink area.  One of them burned out recently.  Well, it didn't actually burn out, but it did become like a neon sign,  flashing on and off.

    This sits right above our hot pot, so I wonder if the steam from that affected the light.

    I keep reading where LEDs last 10 years and save lots of money.  But I have gone through 3 3-way bulbs and a regular one in the past year.  

    That's why.....grr.....

    Another grrr was the one inch or so of snow we woke up to this morning.  Of course it was gone by 11, but still.  C'mon Mother Nature!  Enough of this stuff!

    A final grr.......gas prices went up like 30 cents over the weekend.  I think it was because the companies know people would be travelling on Easter and would need gas.  Curse them and their profits.

    I know my complaints are minor compared to what is happening in the rest of the world.  But I don't have enough grrs in my body to cover all of that.

    Stay safe, my friends.

Peace and Love   Pray for Ukraine

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