Monday, April 11, 2022

life going on

 I made a shopping trip today

    I am in the upcoming VCCT show "Our Town."

    I had no intention of being in the show, did not audition, did not voice interest in the show, but because they were running out of options, I agreed to a small part.

    I am in the first act, about 3 minutes on stage, minimum number of lines.  Once I am done, I am free to go.

    All well and good.

    But....and there is always a but..... I  couldn't find an outfit.

    I am a university professor.  I thought a double breasted three piece suit would work nicely in the part.  I don't have one.

    I did have one that I bought at Goodwill for a show several years ago.  It fit great!  But.....and there is always a but..... I left it in the venue following the final performance and it was never seen again.

    So I went clothes shopping.

    I saw a lot of coats,  but no 3 piece suits.

    I was trying on a suit coat and discovered the buttons were about 6 inches away from the button holes due to my belly.  As I was tugging on them, a lady went passed me and started to laugh.

    "I think you need a bigger size," she giggled.  

    I told her I thought I needed four bigger sizes.

    I tried another coat and it too was too small.  But I put my arms in it and discovered I could not get them out!  I was dancing around the aisle trying to pull one arm out, but could not because it was too tight for my other arm to reach it.  I eventually slithered out.

    I did find a coat.....and wore it tonight.  I was told it was good to go.

    Now I have to alter my vest because I seem to have gained a little around the middle during the past few years.

    The downside of the day was when I came home, four little feet didn't come running to the door to greet me.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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