Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Losses and tosses

 I hate it when it is past time

    That probably doesn't make sense.

    I have fond memories, and I hate it when those memories become, well, memories.

    When I was a kid my mom would go to a bakery in Chicago called Dinkel's.  Bread, rolls, all sorts of delicious treats.

    After I left the city, I would sometimes take Jackie down to Dinkel's for bread, or donuts, or some sort of pastry when we went to visit the folks or friends.

    They had been in business since 1921, run by the same family.  Delicious treats.  My mouth is watering now when I think of the place.

    Time passes and today the owner announced he is closing at the end of April.  Forever.

    I can't blame him, he is 79.  Running a bakery is not easy.  When friend Dan and I were in France we met a guy who ran a bakery.  Up at 3, work till noon, sleep, go back to work.  Not an easy life, not for everyone.

    Even Rochelle had a great bakery when we first came to town...Dusenberry's.  We got here toward the end and the selection was not what it once was, but fresh bread and rolls?  Nothing beats that.

    I love being in France because of the bakeries.  They are everywhere!  And all the windows are filled with yummy goodies in addition to baguettes and croissants. 

   It's hard to find a bakery any more in most towns in the states, let alone one with a huge selection.

    So, Dinkel's is a loss.

    Now for the toss.

    On March 26 I bought a bunch of meat.  What we did not eat that day, or the next, I froze.

    Or so I thought. 

    Julia found some brats and a pound of ground beef hidden in the back of a drawer in the fridge.  It has now been there for, 10 days.  I checked with friend Kathy, who agreed with Julia and Jackie that I should toss it.  Friend John agreed.  That made it 4-1, so I am going with the majority.

    Meanwhile, I went to make some pudding and the milk smelled off.  I tasted it, and it wasn't bad, but it didn't taste right.  So I tossed that.

    Which makes me wonder.  The milk was good to April 7.  Using that as a date, if I made pudding using the milk, would that mean the pudding would be good to April 7?  

    I know it is a moot point, because I tossed the milk.  But now I wonder.

    And I bet at this point you are wondering why you read  this far!

    Again, Losses and Tosses.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine. 

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