Saturday, April 16, 2022

Happy Easter

 I hope you all have a Happy Easter

    Hopefully we get to church tomorrow, but mornings are not good for us!  Especially when the Cubs are on the night before.

    I had a pretty busy day.

    I spent a few hours down at the theater, painting stuff.  The plus is I did not spill the paint or tip over the bucket.  I did not step in it and walk around either.  I painted.  

    I stopped at Cypress House and got the drink Friend Jen mentioned.  It was a frappe with banana and chocolate made with cold brew.  It was very yummy and I will have it again.

    But here is the big news:

    I found my run away Christmas tree!!

    My neighbor said it was in the back of her yard, so today I wandered over and found it under the huge pine trees at the back of their yard.

    When the winds die down, I will drag it out to the back and burn it, along with some other yard debris.  I just have to make sure it does not run away again!

    I can't wait until spring finally arrives.  Hopefully next week I can start cleaning up my flower beds  I have a list for prairie plants to order for my new native garden, but I still have to go through the list and pick out the plants.

    Last year I planted peas on Good Friday.  They grew, then froze, and I had to replant.  This year I am waiting a week....or two.  I am hoping my veggies do better this year.
    Have a safe Easter....don't eat any plastic eggs!

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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