Wednesday, April 27, 2022

el Cheapo

 I don't know if I am frugal or cheap

    I hate wasting money.  Light on but nobody in the room?  Turn it off.  Water running but you are not using it?  Turn it off.  Waiting in your car for someone in the store?  Turn it 0ff.

    Yet other types of spending don't bother me and I don't hesitate to do it.

    We have a person who cleans every other week.  I am more than willing to pay for that service.

    I have a lawn service that fertilizes the yard.  When it was up to me, I would buy a bag or two in the spring and still have it in the fall.

    Coffee that costs more than $1?  Good to go with that.

    I read an article about a young woman who saved $1 million by the time she was 30.

    No expensive coffees, no membership in stores or gyms, no credit cards that carry an annual fee....all sound ideas, just not all of them suit me.

    But one of her ways to save I have adopted, much to Jackie's chagirn.

    This new millionaire would cut open the toothpaste when she could not squeeze any more out.  She did the same with gels, creams, anything in a tube.  There is always some left.

    We go through a lot of skin lotion.  When I squeezed the last of it out of the tube today, I cut it open and lo and behold....there is still a couple of days left in the tube.  I just have to scoop it out with my finger.

    Needless to say, not everyone in the house thinks my madness will substantially increase our income level.....but I will have the satisfaction of knowing I got my money's worth.

    Just wait until Jackie thinks she is out of toothpaste.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine

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