Sunday, April 3, 2022

Mr. Postman

 I sort of fixed my mailbox today

    I admit, it is a temporary solution.

    We need a new mailbox.  It's just a matter of finding one she likes and getting it installed.  

    The metal mailbox sits on a board that is fastened to a brace on an inground post.  The board rotted.  I found another board, cut it, and put it in place.

    I also found a pile of slightly soggy mail that must have fallen out of the box and into the grass as I carried it in.  I hope nothing important blew away, and if it did maybe it found my Christmas tree.

    The first board was cedar and lasted almost 10 years.  This board is pine and will not last that long.

    One thing that surprised me was....I don't have a lot of junk wood in the garage! I have maybe three short boards, fas less than I normally have.

    I did find a couple of things to throw out, another surprise!  I never throw out anything!

    Thanks to friend Nadine I have a new garbage can.  The city passed out cans, and residents can not use their own cans.  Nadine passed hers on to me.

     Now, how do I toss out a garbage can?

    My first thought is to put a big sign on it that says, "Take all of me, big boy.." but does that mean the can too?

    Or a sign that says, "Please toss this worthless garbage can with the missing side, two holes in the bottom, no handle and a huge crack in the other side".....but I don't have enough paper for that.

    I will try a sign that simply says,  "Please toss trash can in the trash."

    Hopefully that will do it.

    At least I have all week to ponder the correct wording.

    As long as it goes I will be happy.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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