Saturday, April 23, 2022


 This was a day of ups and downs

    I'll start with the downs.

    I have too much crap in my garage.  Boxes.  Tools.  More boxes.  Cardboard.  A ground squirrel.

    Ground squirrel?  In the garage?

    The little sucker keeps running toward the back, where I have a bunch of more crap stacked.  

    Another downer.

    I have huge brown spots in my yard where the grass has died.  These are not areas where Corkie would do her business, but in areas where she did not go, Yard looks terrible.

    I took  my golf cart out today.  I thought the batteries were bad, but it ran fine.  Until it didn't.  In the back of the yard.  Dead as a doornail.  (Charles Dickens might ask why a doornail?  I agree.)

    And because I don't take care of stuff, a huge bag of lawn waste was on the back of the cart and it blew off in the strong wind and tumbled across the yard, dumping most of the bag.

    After I picked up most of that, I went to get my garden tractor and a tow rope.  I hooked the dead cart to the mower and took off.

    But the cart weighs a lot.  The mower did a leap in the air, like a horse.  I was afraid it was going to flip over on me.  But luckily, it did not.

    I dragged the golf cart almost to the house and it just stopped.  The mower would  not go any further.

    I got on the golf cart and it was able to move enough to get back in the garage.

    Which further depressed me because of all the crap, the ground squirrel, the dead golf cart, no Corki, and my general ability to organize and stay focused.

    The ups?

    Got the yard mowed for the first time, had MK and S over for cards and we ordered out and Julia, Jackie, and I all had a great time talking and visiting.

    Cards went well......I like euchre (eucher?) and despite my terrible tactics, I was only set once.

    I always get thirsty at night.  Tonight I mixed a drink and it was not bad.  I took some cherry juice and some Perrier and mixed it together to get a sparkling cherry drink.  Next time I will put in a little more cherry juice though.

    Last night Sheri came over for supper and we had a great time visiting with her.

    The Cubs won big, the weather was great, food and friendship lots of good things.

    I think I will put out my rain guage for tomorrow......could be a wet one.

    Which means I will have to mow again.  Maybe I should invest in some goats.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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