Sunday, April 17, 2022


This was a pretty good day 

    Jackie and I actually made it to church!  That is a rarity in our world.  It takes so long to get ready, we seldom make it.

    Today, church was an hour earlier than normal, but we made it on time!  Truly amazing.  

    Lovely service, great music, and wonderful seeing people again.  We miss the group at St. Paul's.

    Dinner was just the four of us and Jackie's sister Judy.  We had some bundt cupcakes for her birthday, watched the Cubs win, talked with her brother and in general had a very relaxed day.  I even chatted with my brother while driving to church.  It seems whenever he calls, I am in the car going somewhere.  And our neice even called to see how the old folks were doing.

    The forecast is calling for some snow tonight, so I probably won't do any garden work tomorrow.  But the rest of the week is supposed  to be warm, so hopefully I can get going out there.

    Hope you had a great day too.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine

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