Thursday, April 14, 2022

Home again

 We brought Corki home today

    She was cremated and the remains (cremains?) came back this week.  It seems strange that a week has passed already, but it has.

    Jackie went with me.  It seemed fitting that we should both bring Corki home, because she was our dog.  And yes, one of us was in tears.......and I am sure you know who that was.

    Friends Jen, Kevin and Sam stopped by tonight with a little gift.  I can't describe it, but tomorrow I will get a picture of it and show you.  It is very nice and we will always treasure it.

    The local Starbucks opened today.  I drove by a little after the official opening and was amazed by the number of cars in the drive-thru.  I drove by again on my way home from a meeting at 7:30 p.m. and there were still cars in the drive-thru!  Hopefully they were not the same ones.

    After a vet visit, I would take Corki thru and get her a puppachino.  I thought of doing that today but Jackie said I could not.  But she was with us.  

    I got up at 7 this morning to take out the recycling.  I was afraid to take it out last night because I was not sure how windy it was going to be.  Turned out today was a bit of a windy one, wasn't it?  At least my downspouts did not go to far.

    Now I am relaxing with a hot toddy.......and honestly, I might be getting too relaxed.  I still have to take out the garbage, and I have a lot tonight.

 Peace and Love and prayers for Ukraine

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