Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Oh, yeah?

It's hard to argue with a machine

    We have Siri pods in three rooms.  We use them to communicate, get the weather, play music......I am sure there are other uses we have not tapped into yet due to our limited technical skills.

    Today I listened to the weather forecast on the radio and the guy said  there would be rain tonight.

    Later I asked Siri when it was going to rain, and she said it wasn't.

    Fair enough....forecasts sometimes differ.  I get that.

    At 6:30 I asked Siri if it was going to rain, again, and she said no rain in the forecast.  Bare in mind, (bear in mind?  No, that's an animal.)  (Bare does not look correct.)  (I am going with it anyway.) it was very cloudy and dark.  The sky looked like it was going to rain.

    And it started to rain.

    So I asked again, Siri, is it going to rain?

    She said no.

    I said, Siri, it is raining outside right  now.

    She said, and this is a quote:  "No, it is not raining."

    I wanted to tell her it was, but figured it would end up in a back and forth of yes, no, yes, no.

    In a way it reminded me of people still saying you know who won the election.  Facts are there.  Proof is there....windows were wet

    True, it did not rain for long and her system might not be designed to pick up on lite rains, (or is is light reins?)   (Notice resin and reins have the same letters?)  Maybe we were just having a heavy mist.

    I any case,  I still think I was right.  

    I also asked her how to spell vacuum and she told me Uiyou.  And maybe that is how she spells it.  But I know that is not correct.  Trouble is, mine doesn't look correct either.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine

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