Wednesday, April 6, 2022


 I had a hard time with dinner tonight

    We had butterfly porkchops last night.  I cooked them on the grill and they were yummy, but huge.

    I made three chops, but each of us only ate half.

    So I said we can have them again Thursday night.

    Well....that did not work because one of the chops became lunch.

    We have frozen lasagna Julia made, but nobody was in the mood for lasagna.  Imagine that!

    I suggested we make some of the Ikea meatballs with lingenberry sauce and potatoes. which sounded great.

    But on the way home from Jackie's hair appointment, I was supposed to stop for milk and did not.

    The gravy  needs milk.  Meatballs were out.

    Pasta and sauce was briefly considered and eliminated.

    We eventually decided on one ham sandwich and two pork chop sandwiches with mac and cheese.

    Boiled the macaroni and realized.....I don't have milk.

    So we ended up with sandwiches, macaroni, Italian beans, and some 3 bean salad.

    It was not what I expected for supper, but it was not bad.

    I take Corki in for surgery tomorrow morning and I already have a note to stop for milk on the way home.

    Corki is having 3 skin tags removed, her teeth cleaned, and two growths on her mammary glands, which could be cysts or tumors, removed.  The vet will send them to be checked to be sure they are benign.  

    She has to be there by 7:45, so I have to get up EARLY!

    This morning the alarm went off at 8:10 and I got up and shut it off, thinking I would get another 10 minutes sleep.  Jackie woke me at 10.  

    I can't sleep that late.  By the time we were up and dressed, it was time to go the hairdresser's.  We have to get up earlier, especially when there are gardens to weed and grass to mow.

    But damn, it felt good.

    It is very windy today.....I don't like that.  And I am taking bets that there will NOT be a game at Wrigley tomorrow.

Peace and Love.  Prayers for Ukraine

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