Saturday, April 2, 2022


 Do weird things happen in threes?

    I brought the mailbox in today.  That's right.  Mailbox.  The whole thing.

    The base connecting it to the pole rotted, so when I went to get the mail the whole damn  thing came off.  Now I have to find a piece of wood and attempt to repair it.

    That was the latest weird, or odd, thing.

    This was rib weekend for Hick's Barbecue.  We decided to order two slabs for supper tonight.  So, I ordered 2 slabs.  Julia said to me yesterday, "I ordered two slabs of ribs."  Either I did not tell her or she misunderstood.  So we had 4 slabs of ribs for dinner.

    Actually, we had one slab.  I am guessing leftovers Monday and Wednesday. I won't mind because they were very good.

    I am reading a book called "Paris Dressmaker" and I am very frustrated.

    First off, it's long.

    Second, I have a little trouble following the story line.  Each chapter has two parts, set 5 or so years apart in Paris during WW II.  The story follows two women and their  roles in the Resistance while holding normal jobs.  Sometimes I get confused as to when the story is taking place, either 1939 or 1944,  

    But what really bothers me is keeping my place.  This is an e-book through Hoopla, a lending service provided by our library.

    Every time I hit the end of a chapter and "turn the page" to the next chapter, it goes back to chapter 1.  Every time.  

    There are 29 chapters.

    I read mostly at night.  So I finish a chapter, it goes back to chapter 1, and I try to go to sleep.  But the next night, I don't remember what chapter I read!

    For example:  I thought I read 23, so I started 24.  But I already read that, so I went to 25.  When I finished 25, all I had in my head was 23, so I had to go to 24 then 25.  Confused?  Imagine how I feel with my terrible memory!  Then I wonder if I missed a chapter, so I check other numbers.  Maybe I only read 22 and needed to start 23.

    I do this every time I finish a chapter.  I bet I have spent more time finding my place than reading.  And no, I can't seem to bookmark my spot.

    I am almost done. 

    Spoiler alert:  Nazis lost.

    At least it stopped snowing.  Seems it snowed for two days, but there is no accumulation.  Just plain weird.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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