Tuesday, April 19, 2022


I actually worked in the yard today 

    It was sunny and mid 40s, but it was breezy.

    I worked along the patio wall, which put me in a sheltered spot.  It felt good to get some weeding done, but the soil was pretty cold.

    My hands hurt a little too, combination arthritis and cold, I assume.

    This area has lots of day lillies, and I hate to say it, but day lillies just coming up look a lot like crabgrass.  I may have pulled a couple of lillies in my zeal.

    It was strange not having Corki out there with me.  She loved to get under the lilac bush and sleep in the cool shade there.  That did hit me when I was weeding around the lilac.

    I have several more areas to weed, but most don't have a lot of debris.  Then it is mulching time.  My problem is, by the time I finish weeding and getting mulch, I usually have to start weeding again.

    I joined an on line community that features pictures from Switzerland.  Lately there have been several shots of fields dotted with beautiful yellow flowers.  Thousands of the little blossoms. 

    They are dandelions!  Thousands of them, spreading across the green fields.

    In the states, we kill them off as soon as they crop up.  

    At this time of year they serve as a nectar source for bees and other insects.  And they are kind of pretty.

    Makes me think we are making a mistake trying to get rid of them, wasting time and money on the battle, and putting chemicals into our soil that can't be good for us.

    But if I let them go, I am sure I will be the scourge (is this the right word?) of the neighborhood for others who don't like the flowers.

    Dandelions need an organization like the NRA to make them socially acceptable.

    Until then, I guess I will keep fighting them.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine

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