Tuesday, March 1, 2022


 I got a pedicure today

    Actually WE got pedicures today.   Jackie and I thought it was time to get the old toes trimmed.

    The first time I took her for a pedicure, I turned down the chance to have my feet done.  I think I said no the second time too.  Eventually I gave in because it is hard to see and reach my toes and manipulate the industrial strength hedge trimmers I need.

    It is so nice.

    Sitting back in a chair, my feet in warm bubbling water, a young woman trimming my toe nails and massaging my legs.  Gentle music playing, subdued lighting.....I  could fall asleep.

    The hard part is getting Jackie up the step so she can get out of the wheel chair and into the salon chair.  Usually there is a young man there to help, but today it was just this old man and two young girls. 

    It took two tries, but she got up there and into the seat.  Getting down is a lot easier.

    When I went to put her shoes on Jackie was surprised how easily they went onto her feet.  I told her that's because her feet were now 3 inches shorter, and the two girls laughed.

    We both feel refreshed.

    On another note, I think I mentioned the man who had an unused Chicago Bulls ticket for the night Micheal Jordan made his professional debut.  He was hoping to get $250,000 for the ticket at a sports auction.

    But he didn't get anywhere close to that.  Instead, he got $468,000!  Almost one half million for an unused ticket!!

    My cousin was happy she got $800 for an unused Beatles ticket.  

    I bet a lot of people who save stuff are looking through their closets for tickets or stubs from important dates.

    I think all the stuff I have collectively isn't worth $800....but maybe there is a gem or two in my mess.  I just have to find it.

    Happy hunting!

Love, Peace and prayers for Ukraine

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