Saturday, March 19, 2022


 This was a forgettable day

    One thing I would like to forget is the information Kathy sent me, and Renee mentioned, that Giant Flying Spiders get as big as a human's hand!  Oh my!  And Doug said they can soar on the wind for up to 10 miles!!  I am glad I live in Illinois, where the worst things are corrupt politicians and idiot drivers.

    I had a great night's sleep until 4 a.m. when Jackie started talking to me.  I was sound asleep, and she woke me up!  In the morning, I asked her why she woke me and she said I was standing next to her talking and she was answering me.  I told her I was asleep and in bed and we both think the other person is wrong.

    But I was really tired.  I think the cold, wet weather put me in a funk.  I sat down to read in my chair and 2 hours later I woke up.

    It was almost supper time, and that is a pain lately. 

    Normally we eat out Friday and Saturday night.  But no one was really in the mood for anything today.  Jackie did say she wanted a sandwhich from the elephant killer store, AKA Jimmy John's, but they are closed on weekends.

    I had to pick up some meds at the pharmacy, and just out of curiosity I drove by the store and they were open.  This was the second weekend they have been open since the height of the Covid crisis.

    I got a 6 inch sandwhich, thinking I would split it with Jackie.

    Got home, surprised her with the sandwhich, cut it, put it on a plate with some chips, set it in front of her as she read the paper, went to get her a drink and she started screaming, "No....No....No."

    Turns out Corki is a little faster than Jackie.  That damn dog got all the meat and left the lettuce, tomato and bun on her plate.  Corki had just finished dinner!  She ate all the food in her bowl, but evidently the smell of lunch meat was too great to pass up.

    I gave Jackie my half with the instructions  to guard it at all times!  I had left over pizza.

     Julia has been out of the country for a long time and missed the pizza from the Hut, if you know what I mean.  Well, turns out the me memory wasn't the same as the taste, so  there is left over pizza.

    I really need warmer weather.  I think I will get out more and be a little more active.  Since Jan. 1 I have put on 8 pounds.  It shows.  It feels like it.  I don't like the way my belly looks.  

    All the cookies, candy and pizza are taking a toll.

    In a way, I am just like Corki!   Never enough to eat, even when I am full.

Peace, Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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