Monday, March 28, 2022

not again

I am not going to mention my sleep issue tonight 

    When they were passing out brains, I thought they said trains and I asked for a one track one.  My lack of sleep is boring to talk about and boring to read about.

    We dropped off all our tax stuff today.  Now our return is being prepared and I don't think it will be good news.

    On the other hand, we were in Rockford and I drove around a Starbucks!  I don't know if I have ever done that in my life!  But it was 4 p.m. and I just can't handle it that late in the day.

    Corki goes to the groomer tomorrow.  I will try to take a before and after picture, but sometimes I forget stuff.

    She has two skin tags on her right hind leg and has been chewing  them.  I am on constant watch to make sure she doesn't chew them off and bleed.  In addition to Neosporin, I have been putting Vicks Vapo Rub around the area because that seems to work best in keeping her mouth off her leg.  

    The downside is she has a heavily matted area.  I washed it and brushed it out today, but the groomer will have to finish the clean up tomorrow.  The upside is I am not congested.

    I have to call the vet to see what our next step is.  She still does the "sounds like she is choking" cough, but not as often.  I just don't know if it is gone enough for her to have the tags and little growths taken off. 

    Jackie is another year older today, but nothing has changed. Including meals; we had leftovers tonight.

    And why is it the greenish bananas I bought Saturday are starting to brown up?  Seems like they should stay yellow longer than they have.  No matter where I buy them, they don't seem to have staying power.

    Such is life, eh?

 Peace, Love and Pray for Ukraine

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