Wednesday, March 23, 2022

tuna...more than a fish

 We had our first "Tuna LasVegas" official meeting

A bit of background.  "Tuna LasVegas"if the fourth in a series of comedies about life in Tuna, Texas.  Others are:  "Greater Tuna", "Tuna Fourth of July", and "A Tuna Christmas."

Our theater group has done the first 3.  My friend Terry C and I have been the two characters in the shows.

    Each of us play 8-10 different people, from showgirls to Elvis, in this show.  Some theater groups cast the show with with more than two people, but I think that takes a lot of the humor out of it.

    We had our first official meeting, meaning director Renee, and the Two Terrys.  We have all been together on these productions and it felt good to be back with them, and Arlis, Bertha, Vera, Inita and Helen......the list goes on.

    I have great memories of previous shows.  I came out dressed as a woman and heard my brother take a deep breath because I looked so much like our mother.

    I had a line I said correctly all through rehearsal and opening night came and I could not remember the line.  TC said my eyes would roll up in my head, my face turned a strange shape, and words would come out that were sort of close to the line.

    The show requires fast costume changes, so we each have 2 dressers.  During one rehearsal a dresser grabbed me and held on, and I said, "Sally, that is NOT a handle."  We still laugh about it.

    Once I left 11 pages early.  TC sat on the stage wondering where the hell I was going, adlibbing as best he could.  I did my next character, returned as the first character, and we picked up the dialogue and no one noticed, not even Renee.  She did think  the show was a little different that night but could not put a finger on it.

    Although this show isn't until August, I am working on my lines with Jackie.  Everyone knows my mind is like a sponge, with information constantly dripping out once it is squeezed in.

    This is a doubt about it.  Yes, I doubt myself, but I also have a deep down belief I will have the show set in my mind when it opens.   Or the week after that.  Maybe two.  For sure three.

    Plan now to will be funny.

Peace and Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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