Wednesday, March 16, 2022

strange noises

 I heard a strange noise in m car yesterday

    I vacuumed the interior, dusted it, cleaned it up,  took out the wheelchair, and tried to get rid of all the crap that accumulates.

    When I drove the car to town yesterday, there was a noise I don't think I had heard before.  At first I thought it was a drum in the music that was playing, but the beats did not match so I put on NPR.  The thumping continued.

    I stopped, checked to make sure nothing was hanging off the car.  I moved all the stuff around and made sure nothing was rolling and bouncing.

    Still, the beat went on.

    Today I drove to DeKalb for a doctor appointment and the thump was driving me crazy.  It seemed to be coming from the door on the rear driver side.  When I stopped, I checked the door and all seemed well.

    When I got in the car again, the noise resumed.  It sounded like the lock was opening and shutting.  Constantly.  I was very confused.

    I stopped at a store, parked, and went in for a few items.  When I cam out I noticed the front passenger door was not closed all the way.  I shut it and...... voila!  No more noise!

    Technology astounds me.  

    I had my hearing aids and my hearing checked today.   I explained that it was still really hard to hear in a crowd.  Guess what?  There is a new program that turns down background noise more than what mine does.  The good doc loaded that and said I should notice a difference.  Now I have to find a crowd.

    The bad part of the day was morning.  The alarm went off at 8, I shut off the alarm and lay down for a few minutes.  The cuckoo hit 10, waking me up. 

    Jackie and I must have been tired.

    Tomorrow I will not turn off the alarm....getting up at 10 does not make for a day of accomplishments!

Peace, Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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