Wednesday, March 2, 2022

busy, busy, busy

 Thie was a pretty busy day for us

    Jackie had an eye doctor appointment in Rockford.  She had some scar tissue following her cataract surgery and had the second procedure to remove the tissue.

    She didn't even have to get out of the wheelchair.  The doc used a laser and ..... zap!  scaring gone.  Then she had to wear those really dark plastic sunglasses until her pupil returns to normal size. 

    She had one eye done two weeks ago, so we should be finished.  Unless she has a third eye we don't know about.

    We actually went to church tonight in DeKalb!  We find it hard to get up and out of the house in the morning, so we have been Zooming at church.  It was great to actually see the people tonight.  We all wore masks and maintained a safe distance.

    In the Episcopal Church, Ash Wednesday is a fast day, which generally means no meat.  We planned to stop at a Popeye's in DeKalb for some popcorn shrimp, only to discover they don't have any.

    So we went to Culvers for buffalo shrimp.  Not popcorn, but pretty darn good.

    The term buffalo shrimp just seems odd.  But it tasted fine.

    In other news:  Birds hate me.

    Seriously, they do.

    Everyday I watch my bird feeder and see sparrows, finches, and juncos.  The other day Julia looks out and there is a cardinal sitting on our patio railing.  Last year our care provider and Jackie were sitting at the table and a huge hawk perched on the railing and walked up and down.  I think the same hawk sits on our roof...a couple of neighbors have told me they have seen it.

    But me?  No cardinal.  No hawk.  I am starting to think it's personal.

Peace and Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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