Thursday, March 17, 2022


 I sometimes overdo things

    I am expanding my native garden plot again this year.  

    This is an area in the back of the yard un which I have planted native plants.  It is about 6 ft by 20 ft. and this year I am doubling the size.  The next 6 x 20 foot area will be separated by about 4 ft. from the first area.  That gives me a mowing space between the two plots.  

    It also provides a walking path.

    And it makes it easier to reach into each plot from the sides.  That way if I see a weed, I can pull it more easily.

    Of course, it is hard to see the weeds.  I can spot clover pretty easily, but the crabgrass is a different story.

    Anyway, after I plant the plugs, I water the entire plot then put down cardboard around each of the plants.  This holds the moisture in and holds down the weeds.  Then I put mulch over the top of the cardboard.

    Hopefully I will have some extra hands on deck when I do this because it is more fun with other people.

    Anyway, I have been saving boxes to cut up into smaller sections.  Today I decided I had enough.  I have a huge stack of cut cardboard, and a huge pile of boxes yet to be cut and I think I have enough cut.

    Even if I don't, I am done.  It hurts my hands and my knees to do the cutting and I am constantly dealing with dull blades.

    I have arranged for the area to be rototilled, I bought some paint to outline the area, I have an idea for a focal all I have to do is order 120 plants, make 120 holes, and plant then mulch.

    So....if you don't have plans some nice day in May, consider coming over and wondering what in the hell is wrong with Terry for wanting to do this.

    You could also  help while you are here.

    Until then, get those bulb planters sharpened!

Peace, Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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