Friday, March 11, 2022


 Memory is a fascinating thing

    I can remember songs and the groups that sang them way back in the 60s, but I don't remember where I put my wallet or keys.

    Today I got coffee at Cypress House and I did not know the person who waited on me.  I asked her name.  She said Emily.   Now, you would  think I would remember someone who has the same name as my daughter, right?  

    But as we were engaging in small talk, I asked if this was  the first time I asked her name and she laughed and said no.

    Go figure.

    But I know Tommy Roe sang "Sweet Little Sheila," (you'll know her when you see her; blue eyes and a pony tail.  Cheeks are rosy she looks a little nosy, man I wish  that girl was mine.)  Sing along.....

    I can remember my credit card number, but not my log in for Facebook.  I have changed the password so many times I need a computer to keep track of the computer.

    I sometimes wonder if I should ask Emily (my daughter, the pharmacist) if those memory enhancers advertised on TV really work.  Amy Farah Fowler advertises one, and while she played a neuroscientist on tv in real life Mayim Balik is one.  And I know I spelled her name incorrectly.  She advertises one of the products and she wouldn't lie, would she?

    So, if hear me  softly singing "Under the Boardwalk" (The Drifters) while looking for my car in a parking lot, blame my memory for my aimless wandering.

    Or thank  my memory and sing along.  But I like the version that says making love, not the G rated falling in love one.

    Now, I have to go and find my glasses.  I put them somewhere. Under the boardwalk, people walking above, under the boardwalk, we'll be making love........

Peace, Love and Pray for Ukraine

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