Sunday, March 20, 2022

and in the end

Sometimes dogs get Karma

    Yesterday  Corki stole the meat off of Jackie's sandwich.

    About 9:30 last night she went out, as usual.

    At 10 she went out again and squatted her way across the front yard.  I guess the meat did not agree with her.

    I would say lesson learned, but given the opportunity she will steal the meat again.  I know that.

    I did feel sorry for her....she would take a squat,  move three steps, take another.  It was sad to see.  She was fine after that, but I guess she did not have much left inside.

    I wanted to watch the "Arond the World in 80 Days" series on PBS, so we recorded all the episodes.

    I have one episode to go, and I just love the show.  The characters are all so different from one another, the acting seems excellent, and the plot line is exciting.  Every episode ends with a cliff hanger.

    Of course, there are gaps.  In one episode they are rescued from an island, and in the next they are bouncing across the plains in a stage.  No explanation of how they got from ship to stagecoach, or how they got money, or anything.  Yet, I can overlook that because I like the show and am willing to suspend my critical thinking for an hour of entertainment.

    Now I have to read the book and see how close they stuck.  In an interview they said they modernized the show to include themes such as racial equality, justice, women's rights, and it shows strongly at times.

    If you are looking for a good series, I think 8 episodes, check it out.  I believe it is on demand entertainment.

    That is all I have to say about that.

 Peace, Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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