Thursday, March 10, 2022

what a waste

You can never get time back, can you

  This may look a little different tonight.

Our internet is currently out, so I am using a word processing program.  I will then copy and paste this once the internet is back up.

So you may be reading this on Thursday, or Friday……who knows when Xfinity will get it working.

Thank you all for your wishes and prayers yesterday.  This is a difficult time for Emily and John and for us too.  

I did nothing stupidly today.

Seriously,  had 3 tasks to do and instead of doing them, I played on the computer.  Now it is after 9 and I still have 3 tasks to do,  which will most likely be put off until tomorrow.

Except my pills.  I have to fill my weekly medication container.  That usually  takes about 3 hours as I put the 8739 pills into the proper slots.  Well, AM or PM anyway.

I just got distracted by my tower, which ha a lot of flashing lights.  That can’t be good.  Telephone is out too, but most people have cell phones anyway.

I wonder if a car hit a pole…the roads were kind of slippery when I came home from a meeting at about 8.  

Anyway…..guess I’ll find something else to do.

Seems like the system is working again…..praise somebody.

Peace, Love and Pray for Ukraine

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