Sunday, March 6, 2022

time, and trees, fly

Lots of unrelated things happened today 

    We had storms and strong winds last night.  No damage to our house, but neighboring communities had some outbuildings damaged.

    I do an annual (well, semi....or maybe just in my mind annual) burning of the Christmas tree in March or April.

    I gather up all the cut branches from the tree, which I used to cover plants,  drag it all  into an area where fire doesn't matter, and light the pile.

    Until the burning, I put the tree in the yard.  Yes, sometimes I have to go find it because the wind might blow it.  It was in the field next to us once, and in the yard two houses down once.  So I wedged it between the utility box and cable box at the back of the yard.

    Like I said, it was windy.  

    My tree is gone.

    I have looked in yards, along fence lines, in the ditches, in the park.....I can't find it anywhere.   We have a neighborhood Facebook page and I posted it there, but no one has found my tree!

    I do feel bad about that for 2 reasons:  1, I don't want to be a littering bad neighbor; 2, I like fire.

    I got out my golf cart to search around, but once I got to the corner the cart told me it did not want to go any farther.  I turned around and 15 minutes later made it the 300 feet to my house.  

    Now I have to find someone who tests and replaces batteries in golf carts.

    We got a notice from Comcast that they made a mistake in our DVR programming and as of April 26 we can only have 20 hours saved.  We currently have about 200.

    Most of them are programs I wanted to watch.

    So today I sat down and watched "8 Days a Week," the Ron Howard film WTTW showed as a fund raiser in 2018!  

    It was pretty good and well worth the wait.   I also watched a "Hidden Chicago" program recorded in 2020.  

    Hopefully I can watch all the other "must see" shows I recorded.

    I used my air fryer to make garlic buttered steak bites, and they were pretty darned good!  Served them with sweet corn and beans, and Jackie and I were full.  Julia also enjoyed them, but without the vegetables.

    Now, all I need is a good night's sleep and the world will look a better place.  


Peace, Love and Pray for Ukraine

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