Friday, March 4, 2022


 I write notes to myself

Like these:

56 in  the house

check insurance 240-20 reaching out

Nov 12 22 /185

Last Jay Leno

    The problem is, I have no idea what any of these mean.  

    I must have wanted to remember something important, or else I would not have written it down, right?

    But does 56 in the house refer to a temperature, a theater audience, or some random fact I needed to remember at the  time.

    I have nothing written on the calender would help for Nov. 12 22 and I have not seen 185 in several years

    I need to start using complete thoughts when I make notes.  Then maybe I won't be as confused.

    Anyway, Jacke and I went to see the VCCT show "A is for Alice."  It was really good and if you live in Rochelle and have not seen it, you have one more chance Saturday night.

    We made it an event by having Sheri and Beth over for pizza and pre show refreshments and then met up again at the theater.

    It was a fun  time...great conversation, great music, great friends.  I almost felt "normal."  If that is possible.

    Have a great weekend.

Peace, Love, and Prayers for Ukraine

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