Monday, March 14, 2022


 I hope everyone had a great Pi Day

    I baked an apple pie in celebration of the day.  Actually, we made three pies last fall and froze them.  So all I really did was take one out of the freezer and bake it.

    It was a little runny.  There was juice in t he bottom, which makes the crust a little soggy.  But it was still very good.

    Also in celebration of Pi Day I picked up dog droppings.  I know, you really did not need o know that.

    Corki and I also took a walk down to the end of the block and back, which is about a mile.  It's a good thing because today was a walk day for me.  I have been trying to go Monday, Wednesday and Friday to The Rec to walk a mile.  I usually make it two of the three days.  I hate to drive in just for that, so a walk outside was perfect.

    And the weather was great!  

    I also spent about 15 minutes picking up little black strips of cloth that were in the ditch in front.  It was almost like shredded weed barrier, which is like shredded wheat only without the fiber.

    It is all up and down the street, both sides of the road.

    Neighbor down the street was out and I mentioned the strips and he thought it was something put on the cracks in the road but it was scraped off by the plows.  It seems everyone has it to some extent.

    He may be right, he may be crazy.   But his explanation was better than mine.

    I thought an airship piloted by aliens was hit by a meteor and shattered, sending four ETs plummeting to Earth where they found my dead Christmas tree and converted it into fuel for  a space ship.

    Or not.

    I think I am tired.

Peace, Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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