Friday, March 25, 2022


I have a history of gout 

    This is an arthritic condition that is worsened by rich foods.  It causes painful joints, usually in the big toe.

    Last night as I was getting ready for bed. I had a terrible pain in my toe and I thought, "Great....a gout attack."

    As I got ready for bed I took off my sock and guess what? 

    Not gout!  I banged my toe helping Jackie off the toilet and my one toe is black.  It's the middle toe, and it hurts.

    But at least it is not gout!

    This was quite the day.  I watched it snow, then the sun came out, then it snowed hard, and the sun came out, then it snowed pellets, and the sun came out.

    Good grief.  

    We are supposed to get some snow tonight, mayby half an inch, which is still too much for this time of year.  At least tonight the sun won't come out.

    I actually watched a basketball game.  This was the third March Madness game I have watched and we were rooting for St. Peter's.  Go Peacocks!!  They eked out a win over Purdue and advance to the Sweet 16. 

    I love the emotions at the end of the game.  Players crying from joy, and crying from heartbreak.  Players of all colors and sizes embracing each other, either to congratulate or console.  

    If I was a competitive athlete, I would rather lose a game by a blowout instead of one or two points.  I would somehow blame myself for a missed shot, unnecessary foul, a turnover, or a failure on defense. But in a blowout, everyone is to blame.

    What I have to remember about March Madness is these are kids.  One of the players in a key situation hit a freethrow.  He's a freshman, playing in front of, what, 15,000 fans in a win or go home game.  The pressure on  these kids has to be intense.

    I am making some changes in my bedtime routine tonight.  No caffeine this afternoon, no reading in bed, getting in bed early, and thinking relaxing thoughts.

    I have not been  sleeping well.  I wake up tired, cranky, irritable, and listless.  That tiredness affects me the entire day.  Hopefully tonight will be different.

Peace, Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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