Monday, March 21, 2022

Oklahoma day

 Oh, what a beautiful morning.....

    I think "Oklahoma" was the first musical I ever saw.  My mom took me to see it at the Music Box in Chicago.

    It was the film version, but I loved it.

    I think of it every time there is a beautiful morning, like today.  

    Funny how weather can trigger memories, isn't it?

    What did I do this fine, beautiful day?  Went to the dentist.  Jackie and I both had appointments for regular checkups.

    Neither one of us has any problems, but in the past year I have broken a tooth or two, which is a concern.

    I read a story about a dentist in Wisconsin who has been charged with fraud and various other offenses.

    It seems a patient would come to him and he would fiddle around in their mouth and intentionally break off part of a tooth.  Then he would tell the patient they needed a crown.

    He did over 700 crowns in a 4 year period, billing insurance millions for the work.

    He was convicted of fraud charges and will be sentenced sometime this summer.  He was living a lavish lifestyle, with a couple of houses across the country.

    700 crowns in 4 years.  Almost 20 crowns a month, assuming he took some vacation time.  Holy Moly!

    I think his fraud was discovered when he sold his practice and the new owners became suspicious of all the crowns the guy did.

    That's how my mind works sometimes....started with Oklahoma, ended with a fraudulent dentist.

    I have a project to do tomorrow.....I hope it goes better than the 15 minute job I had today.  It only took me 45 minutes.  I forgot how to use the stud finder, then I lost a part, then I found the part, then I hung the hangar, then I tried to tighten the screws holding it to the wall but gave up because I can't reach the one screw.'s tough being me, sometimes!

    Have happy dreams....and happy thoughts.

Peace and Love.  Prayers for Ukraine

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