Tuesday, March 15, 2022

first impressions

 I am not good in social settings

    That became apparent today when I went to a function involving local business owners and leaders.

    I met two young men and asked them what they did and where they worked.  They told me and I have no idea what any of it was,  It involved computers, interfacing, networking, digital mucky much and a bunch of other words.  They could have been speaking French.

    I told them that anything involving computers totally baffled me.  One of the guys took out a cell phone and said the computing power in the cellphone was more than what the first moon landing had.  I believe him.

    Then I said as a 70 year old, the whole computer world is amazing.  They looked at me and said, "You aren't 70."  I said I was, and added that what my generation has experienced in the past 50 years is truly amazing.

    Then I wandered over to get some cheese and sausage because we seemed to be at the end of things to talk about.

    I don't mix well with strangers.  I never know what to say.  I try to ask about their family, work, etc., but then it starts to feel like I am giving them the thrid degree.  (by the way, the thrid degree is right after the secant degree and before the forth).

    I did mingle as much as possible, basically listening to other people talk.  I think I might have been a good spy with that skill.  People don't seem to notice me listening to their conversations.

    That can lead to problems.

    One time Beth, Ross and I had a dinner theater group we were convinced would be successful.  We call it BRAT....Beth, Ross and Terry.

    Ross and I were having coffee in Cypress House, when they used to have an upstairs level that was more like a living room.

    We were just talking about an upcoming show and who we were going to murder, and how, and when.

    There was another customer in the store and she overheard us and went down to the person behind the counter and said, "I think those men are planning on killing someone."

    Luckily, that person knew us and knew we were planning a murder mystery dinner.  Otherwise, I wonder if police would have been called?

    So, there is some danger in listening without knowing what the people are talking about.  But it also makes for some good imaginings.

Peace, Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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