Saturday, March 5, 2022

a day late

 I should have made the phone call Thursday

    Corki has some surgery scheduled for Monday.  Doctor said it was pretty routine, removal of two growths and lasering off some skin tags.

    She will be intubated for this.

    Well, Corki has been doing this kind of gagging cough, like when a dog is on a leash and you pull the leash too tight.

    So Friday I called the vet and explained what was going on.  No, she was not coughing up anything; no there was no flem; no this is not something that just started but it has gotten worse over the last two weeks.

    Following a couple of conversations, the feeling was to not do the procedure.  If she is coughing, intubating her might be a very bad thing.

    So they perscribed two medicenes.

    If I had called Thursday, the meds could have been picked up by Julia while she was in DeKalb Friday.  But since I called Friday, I had to pick them up today.

    Normally that is no big thing, but with gas at $4 a gallon, I am trying to make as few unnessary trips as possible.

    Long story short..... no surgery Monday, give the meds and call when they are done to update the docs  and reschedule the procedure.

    I did save some money though.  I stopped at a box store and bought toilet paper that was $5 cheaper than the same brand, same size as at our box store.  That paid for my coffee.....almost.

Peace, Love, and Pray for Ukraine

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