Monday, February 28, 2022


 Today was a beautiful day

    I almost was inspired to go out and work in the yard, but I know that would be foolish.

    I will give it about 4 more weeks, then begin the never ending task of lawn maintenance and garden upkeep.

    I have big plans for this spring:   4 trees, expansion of the native garden, some brick laying around the bird feeders.

    Big plans.  I have them written in a book, so I know they will get done.

    Speaking of books, I found a notebook that we use to jot down grocery items and discovered some lists I had made of things to do.  I don't know when I made the lists, but the tasks still need to be done!

    Lists are not the end all.

    Sometimes I just wing it and do what I feel like doing....which is nothing.  Then I get upset that I wasted a full day and accomplished zilch.

    Today I went to walk at The Rec in town.  I had two more stops after that, but I forgot my wallet, so I could not finish my list.

    Now I have to add those to my list of things tomorrow, which includes taking Jackie to physical therapy and then going for a pedicure. 

    I know, minor complaints.  If I lived in the Ukraine I would have much more important things to do than complain and write this.  And so would you.

Peace and Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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