Wednesday, March 30, 2022

cry baby

 I am an emotional person

    I cry easily.  I am not ashamed to admit it.

    Cried whenever Julia left for Switzerland.  Cried whenever we dropped Emily off at school.  Cried at her wedding.  Cried when Julia came home.

    And I cried today because I feared I lost my pup.

    Corki had come upstairs from being with Julia in the basement.  She went to Jackie, who had Corki's morning allergy pill, and Corki began jumping up and down.

    She slipped and hit the ground.  Hard.

    She tried to get up and did the splits hitting the ground again.  Then she was motionless.

    I picked her up to take her to the carpet area and she lost control of her bowels.  She was limp and dead weight in my arms.

    Once on the carpet, she just lay there, panting heavily and not moving.  We called the vet and made an appointment to bring her in after describing her symptoms.

    I thought she had a stroke.  Julia thought Corki broke a leg, hip or even her back.

    Meanwhile, the tears were streaming down my face.  I know!  I am still teary eyed thinking about it.

    Corki lay on the rug and I got  next to her and just kept petting her.  Jackie could not do anything because she just can't get down.  After about 10 minutes Corki lifted her head, but did not try to get up.

    After about 20 minutes, she tried to get up and she did without help from anyone.

    She appeared to be normal.  I took her to the vet and he did an exam, didn't find any broken bones or any evidence of a stroke, although she does have pain in her back.  He said when you touch her in a certain area, she winces, which indicates pain.

    They did an "older dog blood test" just to be sure something was not going on interally.  I also got two perscriptions, 1 for back pain and one for the cough she still occasionally has.

    He did caution me about letting her jump up and down because the back is tender.  Try telling that to Corki.

    I stopped at Starbucks and got a coffee and a Puppachino after the vet visit.  We both enjoyed our treats.

    I made sure to lift her into and out of the car,which is a lot easier to do than getting Jackie in and out of the car.

    It's been nearly 9 hours and she seems to be doing fine.

    I am too.

Peace and Love and Prayers for Ukraine

Enjoying her post vet treat!!

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