Sunday, March 27, 2022


 Last night was terrible

    I did not read my Kindle in the dark.  I got to bed by 11:30.  I had my sleep mask on. I took a Benedryl.

    At 2 I wondered what the hell was wrong with me.

    I eventually fell asleep.  When the alarm went off at 8:30, I just let it go.  At 9 the station went over to live broadcast a church service and I was too tired to get up and turn it off.  At some point after 10, Jackie told me she had to get up.  Otherwise, I would still be in bed.

    We were up, dressed and ready to go by.....noon.

    Aside from that, it was a great day!

    Jackie talked to her sister and brothers, a delightful little girl came over with her guitar and sang Happy Birthday to Jackie in English and in Spanish....very impressive!

    We had a couple of friends over and I grilled hamburgers and brats and we all had a great time sitting and talking.

    The down point came when St. Peter's lost in the NCAA tourney, but it was a good run for them.

    Julia and Emily were a big help getting supper on the table and Julia made some really great tasting baked potatoes.  I hope we have them again.  The potatoes.    The girls too.

    I am hoping for warmer weather because I am getting stir crazy.  It was just too dang chilly today.  When I tried to start the grill, the wind was too strong and it kept going out.  I rolled it into the garage and cooked with half the grill inside.  It worked much better, but now the garage smells like burgers.

   Now it's time to try bed again.  Hopefully tonight will mean sleep.

Peace and Love.  Prayers for Ukraine.

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