Thursday, March 3, 2022

thundering herd

I am not exactly light on my feet 

    Last night, Julia was downstairs watching TV and I was upstairs with Jackie.

    You have to understand how the house works.

    I clean up after supper, which was carry out, then  I usually go to the computer.

    Once I am at the computer I play some solitaire, check the news, look at Facebook, do my blog, and take care of Jackie when she calls.

    Some nights it goes well.

    Last night was not one of those nights.

    I sat at the computer and Corki needed to go out.  

    Sat back down at the computer and Jackie needed to use the facilities.

    Sat back down at the computer and it was time for Corki's night treat.  She barks starting at 7:15 and we give in about 7:30.  We were late.  She barked.  We gave her a treat.  No, we did not know Julia had already done that.

    Back at the computer, I forgot to bring Jackie her meds.  Corki has to go out after her treat.  I went to get tea.  Forgot a couple of cookies to go with my tea.  Got something for Jackie.  I was up and down 100 times.

    Julia came up and said "What the hell!   Was there a herd of elephants up here?"

    Evidently I did not do a good job at sound proofing the basement and Julia can notice when I walk around, when Jackie drops stuff, and when Corki wanders the house looking for food...which is almost constantly for all three.

    Now, to be fair, I have put on a pound or two since Christmas.  Hell, I won't lie.  8 pounds.  I blame it on my complete lack of self control.

    Example:  I went to the market at Cypress House Saturday and there were two of the cutest little girls selling Girl Scout cookies.  Despite the fact I  had already ordered several boxes, I ended up buying a box of S'Mores.

    By Tuesday the box was empty.  I ate every single one!  In 4 days!  I offered them to Jackie and Julia, but they did not say yes.

    I have to say they were absolutely amazing cookies and I am glad I did not buy two boxes.

    This morning I put on my new jeans and they were tight.  Very tight.  I guess the washer must have shrunk them.

Tonight I got Jackie's meds, Corki's treat, and a glass of wine all in one trip.  No elephants stampeding tonight.

    And I did not have any cookies.    I just wonder how long I can keep that up.

Peace, Love and Prayers for Ukraine.

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