Thursday, March 24, 2022


 Life is full of mysteries

Why does my dog follow me all around the house?

Why do dirty dishes show up as soon as I am done doing dishes or starting the dishwasher?

Why am I so cheap?

Why didn't I buy Apple stock when it was $9 a share?  If I had invested $900 back then, I would be worth a lot of money.  

What kind of idiot talks about children's books during a Senate hearing on a Supreme Court nominee?

If I lose 10 pounds, does someone else gain it?

How can mimes breath in the boxes  in which they are trapped?

Whe does my dog go out everytime I sit down to eat a hot meal?

Why do I always treat eating food as an adventure?  Is it out dated?  spoiled?  Will the mold on the cheese hurt me?  I'll  just try it and see.

Why do I have so much trouble sleeping?

Why do food places continue to put plastic ware in my takeouts even though I ask them not to?

Why is Wednesday splled the way it is?

Why do I have this intense desire to live on an island with no electricity?

Why do the replacement cones for my hearing aids come in packs of 8, but the filters that go with the comes coime in packs of 10?

Why do I have 5 filters left if I replace 2 at a time?

Why do I suddenly have visual auras, like right before a migraine?

Life is full of mysteries.

Peace and Love and Pray for Ukraine

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