Tuesday, March 8, 2022


I am not 100 percent feeling well 

    Jackie asked me what I ate today, and after I finished telling her she said, "My God, how can you eat so much?!"

    Truth is, I shouldn't.  I had soup for lunch, along with some string cheese, then chips, cookies, couple of pieces of chocolate, an instant coffee, couple of cookies, handful of peanuts, another handful of peanuts......and then it was time for supper.  I made a salad and had a homemade frozen turkey pot pie.

    Then my stomach got a little woozy.

    I don't think it would take much to deduce why.

    On a further note, the local theater group is doing "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" next fall.

    I remember reading that way back when, so I thought I would reread it.

    Our library has a program called Hoopla which has thousands of titles available for e-books.

    I did a search, found the book, downloaded it.....and discovered I had downloaded the chapter summary of the book.  Since I read in bed, I did not want to search and do the download again, so I waited until the next day.

    Found the title, made sure it was not the chapter summary, and downloaded it.

    That night in bed, I found I had dowloaded a discussion guide to the book.  Not what I wanted.

    The next day I again did a search, saw the title, made sure it was not a summary or discussion guide, and downloaded it.  

    That night I went to bed and started reading.

    Like I said, it has been a few hundred years since I read it, but by page four I was really confused.  So I went to the title page and guess what?

    I downloaded "One Flew Over the Crow's Nest" by Ken  Casey.

    Three times I downloaded the wrong book.

    I also discovered they don't have a regular copy of the book in e-book format.  Nor could I find any of the other 5 titles I want to read.

    I am too cheap to get   them on Amazon, but I may have to if I want to read the ones I can't find.

    Anyway.....I did download a story based on true facts about a dressmaker in Paris during WW II.  That type of fiction always interests me.

    I just hope I downloaded the right one this time.

Peace, Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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