Tuesday, March 29, 2022

odds and ends....but very odds

 This was a pretty normal day in my life

I know!!!  Normal is not funny!

Most of this will be photos because pictures are worth 1,000 words.

Sometimes I get bored playing single suit, so I try to make a challenge.

I had a hard time driving home  the other day because I could not see!  Even sunglasses did not help.  And I was stopped for a light.

Made it to Skare Park just in time to miss the whole sun

Corki before her spa appointment

Corki after her spa appointment.

How this ended up in my yard, I have no idea.

I know Corki had nothing to do with the death.

    I saw this white thing out in the grass this morning, but did not pay any attention to it.  When Corki got back from her grooming session, she went into the back yard and was nosing around my gardens and she found something to chew on.

    Julia called me and I went out and found the duck.  I believe it was past Corki's fence, but parts of it were by the gardens.

    What was also strange is there was a hole in  the garden, with feathers in the hole.

    I don't think the duck was digging a hole for a nest, but I guess anything is possible.  I don't think a coyote would kill it and try to bury it, but again, anything is possible.

    It's a good sized bird.  Another mystery!

    And no, we did not have duck a l'orange for dinner.

    When Julia and I went to pick up Corki, a UP train had the crossing blocked.  It was a long train.  We went to the next crossing to the west, and it was blocked.  We almost ended up in Ashton.

    Coming back the train was still there, but we could go east to pick up a road with an overpass.  Too bad there is no road to the east north of the tracks.  Make sense?
    Met a friend at the dog groomer's.  She boarded two pups while she was away for a few days. Had a short but nice chat.
    I am wondering if the wind will bring my wayward Christmas tree back.....stranger things have happened.

Peace, Love and Prayers for Ukraine

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