Saturday, March 12, 2022


Something spooky happened at my house 

    Actually, a couple of things happened.

    First off, Julia said she was sound asleep at about 3 one morning when she heard talking.  Somebody was mumbling and walking around the house.

    Spooky no more, I told her that was me trying to remember my lines for Tuna in July.  Yes, I have some of it memorized and am giving myself plenty of time to get it all in my pea sized brain.

    But the weird thing.   Very weird.  I was helping Jackie get dressed and she said something like, "I am so stupid." And we laughed about it.

    But our Siri pod said, "Not everyone can know everything."  

    It picked up on our conversation and joined it!  Holy crap!!

    That is the second time this has happened and now I worry that my conversations are being monitored and recorded by some unknown government agency.  

    Like I said, spooky.

    We had a pretty quiet day today.   Damn cold outside, right now it is 19.  But it is supposed to be 50 tomorrow, so maybe I can cut up some cardboard in the garage in preparation for my native garden expansion.

    Friend Sheri came over tonight and we all enjoyed a glass of wine (except Jackie),  great conversation and some laughs.  It is always nice to have friends visit. And of course, drinking wine is good too.

    Which may explain some of my syntax and spelling tonight.

    I hope I remember to set my clocks ahead.  You know, the safest hour to drive starts at 2 a.m. tonight because hardly any accidents take place between 2 and 3 a.m.

    I just hope I can sleep. 

    Peace, Love, and Prayers for Ukraine


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