Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Whoray, I say

 I agree with the school board in Tennessee

    A schOOl board  in that vastly enlightened state recently voted to ban "Maus" from  being used in classrOOms.

    I have read "Maus" and am shocked, shocked I tell you,  at the naked mice in the bOOk.  It is a disgrace that young boys and girls are exposed to naked mice.  Of course, it is even more of a disgrace that they be exposed to the largest organized extermination of humans ever recorded in history, but that is secondary to the nakedness of the cartOOn mice.

    While we are talking about this, I suggest the board also cull the schOOl libraries of any illustrations of Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck.  These supposedly male characters are constantly without pants, which I think is confusing American youth and is the rOOt cause of transexualism.  After all, kids see these supposedly male figures compeltely devoid of any genitalia and may assume they are actually females trying to pass as men.  It is a secret plot by Disney to undermine the definition of family.

    Also, I think there are certain words that should be banned.

    Any word with a double o should be dropped from the English language immediately!

    Why?  Because to young boys the OO may remind them of bOObs.  

    I propose schOOl become skule, gOOd become gut with a hard T sound, just like those architects of the Holocaust intended.

    FOOl becomes fule, tOOl becomes tule....you get the idea.  And since we have three ways to say 2, tOO is not needed at all!

    The entire mathmatics system must be reimagined to elimate any number with a 00, which could also turn a pure, chaste mind  into one perverted and always thinking of putting dots in the OO or 00  he encounteres.  And the symbol for infinity?  Whatever pervert came up with that?

    We must band together and end the bOOb problem in our land.

    Because as we all know, there are far to many many bOObs roaming our streets.  And I am not talking female anatomy.

Peace and Love

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