Monday, February 7, 2022


 Something very strange happened today

    Any explanation is frightening, to say the least.

    I was helping Jackie from the pot into her wheelchair.  Corki was laying on her bed in our bedroom.  

    I took Jackie to the dining room table where she is trying to balance our checkbook.  (Note:  I get so frustrated when I try to help her I could scream.  She has me add up numbers but refuses to round off.  So I add $4.67. $26.78......drives me nuts.  My mom rounded everything to the nearest 10.  So a $26.45 check became $30 in her checkbook.  She never balanced.  Instead, every couple of years we would close her account and move to a new bank.  And every time what she thought she had was pretty close to what she actually had.)

    After the dining room, I moved to the den for a game or two of spider solitaire until the laundry was done drying.  Then I had to go to town to mail a package.

    After about 10 minutes, Corki barks.  

    Jackie asks, "Where's Corki?" 

    I said the last I saw her she was in the bedroom on her bed, yet the noise was not from the bedroom.

    I opened the front door, and there was Corki!

    How the hell she got out there, I can't explain.  I don't remember letting her out.  Julia was downstairs and did not let her out.  Jackie obviously did not let her out.

    Yet, she was out.

    So...the scary part.   We have a ghost.  Corki can open doors.  Someone came into the house and let her out and left.  I let her out and did not remember doing it.

    I went to the post office and mailed a return.  The clerk said, "Uh...this goes UPS.  We are USPS.  Can't leave it here."  

    I knew it was UPS!  What was I doing at the post office?

    Anyway, it got sent, the dog got in, and I think I need a good stiff drink to ward off the ghosts ane other fears.

Peace and Love

My Burr oak sure has a lot of galls

Saw this at a store in DeKalb.....I can't remember if it is jackfruit or something else
But I do wonder how you eat it.  It was huge, like a watermelon.

I do believet hat is where Paddock Hall used to be, on the right.  Was the large hole in the middle the window to the light booth? 
Wonder who left these behind

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