Thursday, February 17, 2022

open house time

 I am trying to go to bed earlier

    Last night I made it before 11.  I was tired.  Usually I am up until 11:30 or 12, but last night I was in bed early and asleep!

    Somewhere around 11 Julia woke up freezing.  She got up, then came into our bedroom.  "Is Dad here?" or something like that made it through my slumbering brain.

    Turns out, the old man did not lock the front door at 9:50 when he headed to the bedroom.

    Because it was pretty windy the door blew open.  So for an hour or so, our front door was wide open to any critter that needed warmth:  raccoon, skunk, burglar, disgraced Republican, coyote.....almost all could have wandered in and spent the night.

    Luckily, none did.

    And Julia asked because sometimes I go out and look at the stars and moon and just enjoy the quiet of the night.  She didn't want to lock me out, which I appreciated.  I guess there was also the possibility I had fallen when out there and could not get up.  In that case I would have ended up a popsicle for sure!

    Then today Jackie heard a thump at the back window.  I looked out on the patio and there was a little itty bitty bird laying still in the snow on the patio.  I got a towel, a box, and brought it inside.  I did not want it to freeze out there, and I figured it was just stunned.

    I put the box in the garage and about 15 minutes later I went out to check, and the little feller hopped out of the box.  Then it sat on the box.  I went back inside and 30 minutes later went out and opened a garage door.

    It would not leave.

    Birdy kept flying over my head, banging into the ceiling, sitting on the windowsill but it would not leave. 

    I opened all 3 garage doors and it still sat in the front of the garage. away from the doors.

    So I closed them and went inside.  

    I went out again a while later and opened the doors and eventually  the little birdy flew out.  I hope he comes back again to visit my feeders and say thanks, but I doubt it.

    Tonight I will be extra sure to lock the's gonna be a cold one!

Peace and Love

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