Monday, February 14, 2022

Eminem and me

 I actually have something in common with a rapper

    But nobody is talking about me today!

    I, too, took a knee during the half time show.

    I had to in order to wipe up the juice I dribbled on the floor while doing dishes.

    Unlike Eminen, I had a much harder time getting up, grabbing on to the counter, dishwasher, counter, and pushing off the floor.  It's just lucky I have four arms.

    With all the things to get upset about, a rapper kneeling is about 427 on a list of 20.  

    If you want to be pissed off about something, look at gun violence, homelessness, income disparity, mental health, the treatment of veterans, corruption in government, racism, discrimination, domestic violence.  But a rapper kneeling?  Yikes, give it a rest.

    The half time show did not bother me.  I used the time to do dishes and I don't think I heard or saw any of it.

    But I noticed folks under 60 seemed to like it, while us over 60 had a different opinion.

    I had thought about watching the commercials today, but I realized I had better things to do with my time. 

    I finally started hanging pictures back up in the den.  After working on it for about an hour I got 2 up.  Let's just say I am easily distracted and let it go at that.

    If I put a couple more hours on it tomoirrow, I should get another 3 or 4 hung.

    And no, they are not crooked.  Yet.  Everything looks straight.

    I do have two pictures hanging that would drive an obbsessive/compulsive person over the edge.  One picture has the hanger a bit off center, so it tilts a little.  The other picture is framed off center, so it tilts the opposite direction.  Drives me nuts.... but I don't know how to fix them.

Peace and Love

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