Saturday, February 19, 2022

when was that?

 You may know I have a hard time with dates

    Not the ones that grow in Mediterranean climates.  Or the ones that involve dinner and a movie.

    But the ones that involve being someplace.

    This is not new.  

    When Jackie and I were first married, we had a friend named Gerry who was going to enter a seminary to become a Cahtholic priest.  He was part of the college group at the Episcopal Church in DeKalb, and a going away party was planned.

    Jerry and I were friends.  Really.

    We pulled up to the house where the party was at and Jackie said, "There are no cars."

    I said maybe we were early.

    It w as Sunday  3 p.m.  Maybe everyone else was late.

    In  fact, we were one day late.  We missed the party, missed saying goodbye, and it was my fault.

    Last week I missed Zoom church, but I went to join the annual meeting.  Being on the vestry, which is the church governing body, I was expected to attend, especially since it was my last meeting.

     But I could not find the Zoom link.   I figured I had the wrong week, so I checked the church calendar and .... you guessed it.  Missed it by a week.  I actually opened the e-mail with the link, agenda,  and reports three days before the meeting.

    Today I went to the opening of the museum's display on kitchens of long ago,  The opening reception was from 1-4.  I planned to leave the house at 2:30, but things happen.  I left at 3:40 and walked into the museum at 3:50.

    No visitors were there.  None.

    I asked Mary how the opening went and she looked at me and said, "It's next Saturday."

    I have recieved a postcard, e mail invite, and 2 Facebook pages about this event and I still had the wrong day.

    I swear, I don't know how I function sometimes.  Honestly, sometimes I don't function.  I need a date manager.

    Or I need to start using my phone to remember dates.  I just have to find it.

Peace and Love

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