Thursday, February 3, 2022


 After 2 weeks of planning to put lights away, I did

    I scratched 2 items off my task list, and added the week is a wash.

    I still have a list of a dozen or so items to do in less than an hour for each item.  I hoped to do one a day, but that has not worked.  Now I hope to do 1 a week!

    Now I have another problem.

    We have had Corki for over 6 years.  2 weeks ago she started raiding the garbage cans in the bathrooms.  She pulls out tissue and eats it, een though her food bowl is full of food she likes.

    I don't remember to close the door or pick the trash up and set it on the counter, but that is not the issue.  Why now?

    I will be buying two lidded trash cans for the bathrooms.  Julia and I have both cleaned up shredded tissue several times recently.  I just don't want my baby to get into something that will harm her.

    And we are keeping the pantry door closed so she doesn't steal her snacks anymore.

    Other than that, she has been pretty normal since her hearing issue.  I don't think she hears at all, but at times she responds to noise.  And no, it is not selective hearing.  I can say, "Corki, treat"  and she does not respond.  It makes me sad.

    Had a surprise telephone call from friends in Missouri today.  It was great talking to them and I realized it had been a while since I heard from them.  Glad they are doing well, but they seem to have more snow than we do!  Strange weather, eh?

    I told them that sometimes when I am at the computer at night I have a cup of hot water.  I have always liked hot water, which some people find strange.

    Last night I heated some water.  About 10 minutes later I grabbed the cup and went back to the computer only to discover.....another cup of hot water.  

    I say it again, the mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Peace and Love


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