Friday, February 4, 2022


 Timing is everything in life

    Look at Jeff Bezos, for instance.  He built a $300 million yacht and how has to pay the Dutch government to remove a bridge then replace it  so he can get the tub out into the open water.

    In the meantime, Prime memberships are going up in cost.  Someone has to pay for that yacht, right?  Might as well be us.

    People are  noticing gas prices are going up, and almost the same week Chevron and Shell announced each had record profits of over $6 billion in the fourth quarter.  Guess where those profits came from!

    Chipolte announced they were increasing the price of a borrito and their CEO got a $24 million raise.  

    To be honest, if someone is paying $300 million for a yacht while people are homeless then something is wrong with our tax code. Think of how many affordable homes could be built with the money going toward a yacht.  Holy crap.

    Now that my rant is over, went to DeKalb today to get Corki her allergy medication.  Left about 1:45, made a quick stop in Rochelle, then another quick stop to make a phone call, then a stop in Creston to make a phone call clarifying my first phone call.   Yes, I have hands free but the person is not in my address book for the phone.  I don't think.  I had to call because the church board was meeting and since I said I was planning on Zooming, they wanted to find out where I was.  Timing.

    I finished my stops in DeKalb at about 4:15 and went to order Chinese food at our favorite place, Yin Chings.  They were pretty darn busy and there was only one person (not Marilyn, who looks remarkably like her  sister) handling customers, phone orders, bussing tables....she was really running!  Literally!  She would take an order, run to the back, get the drinks, serve them, run to the phone.  I got tired watching her.

   Leaving there 4:40, I placed a Starbucks order.  I almost placed an order for 6 coffees, but I looked at my order carefully and deleted the whole thing and started over.  I can't imagine what I would have done with 6, but giving them away to total strangers would have been an option.

    I did not get home until almost 5:30.  FOUR HOURS!!!

    Thank goodness Julia was  home and available for Jackie.  

    I either need to shop smarter or faster, or both.

    Jackie and I watched the opening ceremony for the Olympics.  I like the winter games more than the summer and am looking forward to downhill skiing, luge, skeleton, bobsled and ....... curling!

Peace and Love

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