Tuesday, February 15, 2022

something new

I bought an air fryer this wek 

    Or is it frier?  I know it is not friar, because that would be as in Friar Tuck.  

    Anyway, I keep hearing how great it is to cook food in one, so I bought it.  I had a 30 percent off coupon for Kohl's, so I think I got a good deal.  But I don't know.

    I have cooked 2 things so far:   French fries last night and chicken nuggets tonight.

    The fries were fine, but I thought the nuggets were a little dry.  Jackie and Julia said they were fine. 

    FYI, I took three chicken breasts, cubed them, rolled them in flour, then in egg, then in bread crumbs.  I cooked them for a little less than it said because they were getting brown.

    I did pause the unit several times to shake up the food, but that was no big deal.

    The only drawback I am seeing is I can only cook one food item at a time in it, right?  Tonight we had chicken, broccoli,  and fondue potatoes but everything was cooked in its own pan.

    What exactly are fondue potatoes?  Well, we had half a bag of fondue cheese left over from Friday night and some petite potatoes we had boiled.  Julia mashed the potatoes, stirred in the cheese and a little kirsch, and baked it for about 20 minutes.

    It wasn't bad.  I actually liked it because it had that hint of fondue.

    I know John has cooked a lot in their air fryer, so I will ask him or Emily what they recommend.

    Now....I have to find a spot to put it.  No easy task in this household.

    I see they have posted a winter storm watch for DeKalb and Lee Counties, but not for us.  The last snowstorm also took a southern path and missed us. We'll see how this all shapes out.

Peace and Love

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