Friday, February 18, 2022

uh trouble?

 Corki had a vet check up today

    Her ears are clear, but she can't hear.  Our puppy is deaf.  We have to figure out ways to communicate with her.  I guess I can't ask how she is, because she can't hear me.  Of course she never answered me either.  I will continue to talk to her, as will Jackie and Julia.

    Corki has a couple of cyst like growths on her tummy.  We are going to get those removed, and some skin tags lasered off.  The surgery will be go  in one  morning and out in the afternoon.  The cyst like growths are a concern, and removing them will be a way to rest our worried minds.

    Of course, I stopped for coffee and got her a puppychino.  That should have been her treat for the trip.

    I also picked up pizza for the adults.

    I had pizza on my plate at home but forgot a napkin.  I also forgot what a food thief Corki was, so she also had a piece of pizza with sausage, cheese, mushroom and green pepper.  I need to remember NEVER leave my plate unattended.

    I have a feeling I will be paying for that sometime during the night.  Needless to say she did not eat her supper.

    Dang windy out there.  There is a snow squall warning for the northern edge of our county.  I had never heard of one of those, but the weather alarm went off and NOAA has it posted on their web site.  Heavy blowing and drifting snow, making for poor visibility and driving conditions.

    And at our snow.  Not even a flurry.  Just a lot of wind.

    Go figure, eh?

Peace and Love

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