Tuesday, February 22, 2022

it's time

I think I need a schedule 

    Like I had when I taught school.  PE from 1:20 to 1:50, language arts from 10:30 to noon. ... that kind of schedule.

    I think that will help me develop some habits.

    Like exercising.  If I set a specific time each day, maybe I would be more likely to do it.  

    And writing.  I have not worked on any of my 649 books since last September.  I don't even remember what some of them are about!  Here's the thing:  I read a post on Facebook today about Kurt Vonnegut and success.  When he was younger he told someone he had tried lots of things, but wasn't good at any of them.  The response was that is ok.  What is important is if you enjoy them, do them regardless of the success level.

    OK, that may  not apply to heart or brain surgeons, who really should have a high success rate.  But it applies to people like me who want to tell a story or two.  I just need to tell the story and take pride and joy in the work put into that story.

    Tha being said, I know something I write will sell millions of copies and become a movie, making me a highly sought after night time talk show guest and at the same time, provide an income I  could only dream of having.

    I did learn something today.

    A friend's daughter got married and part of the ceremony involved the mother of the bride putting a string around the bride's right hand and the groom's left hand.

    The officiant said this was an ancient Celtic tradition.  (No, not the Boston ones, but the European Celtics) and was the basis for the expression "tieing the knot."

    I never knew that.

    I know they don't read this, but congratulations Hannah and Conner.  It was a lovely ceremony and I am glad we got to watch the live stream.

    For those people who are saying 2-22-22 was a once in a lifetime experience, here's food for thought.  If you are young enough you will see 3-3-33 and maybe even 4-4-44 and 5-5-55 and 6-6-66.

    I am old enough to have seen, but not remembered, 5-5-55; 6-6-66; (and the world did not end, although it is rumored to be the birthdate of rock and roll)  7-7-77; 8-8-88; 9-9-99; 10-10-10; 11-11-11; 12-12 -2 and 13-13-13.  Ok, I have a broken calendar.

    But you get the drift.

    Who knows, I might even stick around to see 5-5-55, again.  Of course, I would be 107, but all things are possible!

Peace an d Love

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